Hosting the finest contemporary art from Africa and the diaspora for the world.
A showcase for large-scale contemporary art exhibitions, the Stellenbosch Triennale is a non-commercial, multidisciplinary art platform hosting a range of artists from Africa and the diaspora. Exhibitions are free of charge with many in venues within or close to central Stellenbosch. The focus is on accessibility, development, and the democratisation of art and its numerous benefits for all. Ambitious in scale, the Stellenbosch Triennale offers us a horizon of possibility and potentiality, a space to dream and imagine anew.
“African creatives confront us with what is possible for a renewal to happen utilising art as a lens, a course correction, a stimulus around curiosity and imagination. Through the Stellenbosch Triennale, we bring work from the continent to the southernmost tip as an intersection of time – where the past, present and future are in dialogue.”
– Khanyisile Mbongwa, Founding + Chief Curator
ST25 Events
- Wed, 19 FebOude Libertas
- Thu, 20 FebOude Libertas
- Fri, 21 FebStellenbosch University Museum
- Fri, 21 FebRupert Museum